Tag Archives: WKU

It’s been awhile…

I mostly post on Twitter now. Life is okay now, except I’ve been sick since Christmas and my apartment is at least partially to blame. Let me know if you want details, but it’s looking like its about time to move out. Granted I didn’t want to move out until I moved back to Owensboro, but with me having absolutely 0 luck finding a job there, things aren’t looking so bright.

In December, I finally upgraded my phone and purchased an 8gb iPhone. Now, its useless to me as a phone as I can not hear anyone through any function, whether it be earpiece, headphone, speakerphone, or bluetooth, even. I can hear voicemail, listen to music, text, internet, take pictures fine except for hearing while on a call. Weird, I know. I drove to Louisville on Saturday (3/21) to go to the Apple Store and after approximately a 5 minute wait and a 5 second inspection, they informed me that they would not service the phone due to water damage. Unfortunately, the phone had never been wet but their moisture sensor had been tripped. (I have a feeling it may have had something to do with the apartment situation, but I’m not 100% sure and can’t be sure…) So, I’ve bought another one, and this time I plan on getting a case for it so that this type of thing won’t happen again.

Classes are going well and we’re a week and a half or so past mid-term so classes are flying by… I’m not sure what classes I’ll take next semester, but if I’m back in Owensboro, I am going to try to take at least one on campus class and I don’t think I’m going to go full time, but I may. Full time online, while being a lot of work if its not 2×2 bitermed classes, is also a lot more expensive than taking 3 online and 1 on campus. So, we’ll see what happens but I am liking WKU compared to EKU. It feels like I have more control over the types of courses I can take. I can’t wait to be done though!

The car is doing well. I’ve put over 20,000 miles on it since I purchased it on 5 July 2008. I believe it averages out to about 75 miles per day for that time period. It’s going well, which is good, because we’ll be taking it to Nashville in April to see Dave Matthews and to Chicago in August to see Jimmy Buffett. Plans to see U2 in September/October time frame are also in the works, too. I can’t wait to see both DMB and Jimmy Buffett… We’ve been able to sell our original tickets to my sister’s friend and upgrade our seats for the same price as the old ones for Dave Matthews and we have some great seats. Here’s a diagram of the seating change. As for Jimmy Buffett, I’ve been wanting to see Buffett live for some time now, and we finally made it happen. The tickets aren’t the absolute greatest, but it will be a great experience and we can try for better seats next time. As for U2, I have lots of friends interested, so its just down to ticket availability, which I’m sure won’t be easy. We’re looking at either Chicago or Atlanta for the U2 show.

I guess that’s about all for now… Keep track on Twitter for more from me, but I’ll still be back here from time to time to post. Until then…